What is Trailblazer Life Coaching?

  • A personalized coaching program designed to help guide you on your journey to alcohol freedom utilizing proven This Naked Mind techniques and hands-on experience that is adaptable to where you are on your path

  • Meets you where you are and offers you a fully-customized approach to the process of removing alcohol from your life


Why Trailblazer Life Coaching?

As an avid mountain/trail bike rider, I often find myself coming to a fork on a trail or alternatively, discovering a small side trail that I haven’t yet explored. Whenever one of these situations occurs, I know that I’m always faced with two choices: 1) continue on the existing, established, usually more well-worn trail, or 2) commit to making a decision to take the unknown, less-worn and perhaps slightly overgrown trail. In some cases, this may involve something of a leap of faith as there are no guarantees where the second trail may lead, and it could present additional, as yet undefined challenges.

Having said that, there are also no guarantees on the primary trail as you might find a portion of it may be closed up ahead, or that it also may not ultimately lead you to your desired destination. In my experience, more often than not the less-travelled trail can prove to be just as rewarding as the established one, with the additional reward of finding a new way to get to where you need to go, one that you can return to and reutilize again in the future.

I felt that this concept represented a great analogy for my experience in finding my complete freedom from alcohol. Sometimes, by taking a chance, and being willing to overcome your doubts about whether the second trail is worth exploring, you can find a world of rewards. Let me help you discover your own personal trail to an alcohol-free life!

Here is a podcast interview I did in 2020 with This Naked Mind Head Coach Scott Pinyard: